8 Septembre 2024
President Biden issues executive order on artificial intelligence, establishing new standards for safety and security
Confirmed: Real-time network data show that internet connectivity is being restored in the Gaza Strip; service was disrupted on Friday amid heavy bombardment by Israel, leaving most residents cut off from the outside world at a critical moment10 mois il y a
Confirmed: Real-time network data show that internet connectivity is being restored in the Gaza Strip; service was disrupted on Friday amid heavy bombardment by Israel, leaving most residents cut off from the outside world at a critical moment
The Hopewell Area School District in Beaver County says their network was disrupted because of a sophisticated ransomware attack.  The district says they were targeted by unknown criminals. Still looking to see if any data was accessed10 mois il y a
The Hopewell Area School District in Beaver County says their network was disrupted because of a sophisticated ransomware attack. The district says they were targeted by unknown criminals. Still looking to see if any data was accessed
22 sites Internet de médias russes seront bloqués en Moldavie. Parmi eux figurent RT, Zvezda et Tsargrad.
10 mois il y a
Ministry of Defence of Sweden: It has been confirmed that the telecommunications cable between Sweden and Estonia was damaged through external force or tampering. NATO has increased their presence in the Baltic Sea by deploying a minesweeping vessel and increased air surveillance
The website of the Israeli Chevra Kadisha (Jewish Burial Society) came under cyber attack on Saturday afternoon
Finnish police: Baltic sea pipeline investigation is now focused on the role of the vessel Newpolar Bear10 mois il y a
Finnish police: Baltic sea pipeline investigation is now focused on the role of the vessel Newpolar Bear
Apparently Telegram started blocking some Palestinian channels, including Hamas' official channel10 mois il y a
Apparently Telegram started blocking some Palestinian channels, including Hamas' official channel
10 mois il y a
Swedish civil defence minister says have received information that a telecoms cable between Estonia and Sweden has been damaged; the damage occured at a similar time to the damage to the pipeline between Finland and Estonia
10 mois il y a
The only way for communication in Gaza is via sms and it lags
Israeli army spokesman: "At the moment there are no attacks or attempted cyber attacks - we will continue to monitor"
11 mois il y a
Israeli Minister of Communications: We will stop all internet services in the Gaza Strip, starting tomorrow, Saturday
The Israeli security agency is checking the possibility that Hamas hacked the facebook account of the organizer of the festival that was attacked on Saturday by the group. The organizer had his Facebook account hacked a few weeks before the festival
Elon Musk’s X labelled or removed ‘tens of thousands’ of posts on Hamas attack: CEO
European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton: Following the terrorist attacks by Hamas against , we have indications of X/Twitter being used to disseminate illegal content & disinformation in the EU. Urgent letter to @elonmusk on DSA obligations11 mois il y a
European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton: Following the terrorist attacks by Hamas against , we have indications of X/Twitter being used to disseminate illegal content & disinformation in the EU. Urgent letter to @elonmusk on DSA obligations
Russia is reinforcing its presence in the Arctic through the connection of Franz Josef Land to Novaya Zemlya with underwater cable this month. The operation will be carried by cable layer YAUZA, already on site11 mois il y a
Russia is reinforcing its presence in the Arctic through the connection of Franz Josef Land to Novaya Zemlya with underwater cable this month. The operation will be carried by cable layer YAUZA, already on site
11 mois il y a
Perturbation massive de la base de données du fonds de pension russe, suite à la perturbation de la base de données des patrouilles de police russes
Kosovo public broadcaster has secured a document with talking points the Vucic government sent to its embassies, demanding KFOR replace the KP in the north11 mois il y a
Kosovo public broadcaster has secured a document with talking points the Vucic government sent to its embassies, demanding KFOR replace the KP in the north
Le Cyber Commanders Forum réunit des commandants responsables de la cybersécurité de 35 pays situés sur tous les continents - y compris des pays de l'OTAN d'Europe et d'Amérique du Nord, ainsi que des pays alliés et partenaires d'autres régions - dont l'Ukraine, ainsi que l'Australie, le Brésil et le Japon. , ou Singapour
11 mois il y a
Le X d'Elon Musk est la plus grande source de désinformation, ont déclaré des responsables de l'UE, exhortant les plateformes de médias sociaux à intensifier leur vigilance pour lutter contre la guerre des idées de la Russie.
11 mois il y a
L'accès à l'application TikTok est limité en Azerbaïdjan
Live metrics show a significant disruption to internet connectivity in Zahedan, Iran; the incident continues the weekly pattern of regional internet shutdowns targeting anti-government protests, and comes on the eve of the anniversary of Mahsa Amini's death
11 mois il y a
Total collapse of the electrical grid in Nigeria has caused widespread blackouts across the largest economy in Africa
In her SOTU, EU Commission Chief von der Leyen shares a chilling opinion she says summarizes a group of scientists/experts: Mitigating the *risk of extinction from AI* should be a global priority alongside other societal scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.12 mois il y a
In her SOTU, EU Commission Chief von der Leyen shares a chilling opinion she says summarizes a group of scientists/experts: "Mitigating the *risk of extinction from AI* should be a global priority alongside other societal scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war."
Les mesures montrent que le service a été rétabli sur la plate-forme Internet par satellite SpaceX Starlink (AS14593) après une panne d'une heure affectant plusieurs pays ; l'opérateur n'a pas donné d'explication ; durée de l'incident ~50 m12 mois il y a
Les mesures montrent que le service a été rétabli sur la plate-forme Internet par satellite SpaceX Starlink (AS14593) après une panne d'une heure affectant plusieurs pays ; l'opérateur n'a pas donné d'explication ; durée de l'incident ~50 m
Les données du réseau en temps réel montrent que la plate-forme Internet par satellite SpaceX Starlink connaît actuellement une panne internationale ; raison inconnue12 mois il y a
Les données du réseau en temps réel montrent que la plate-forme Internet par satellite SpaceX Starlink connaît actuellement une panne internationale ; raison inconnue
Warningwarning Confirmed: An internet disruption has been registered in Iran for the second night in a row from ~1:00 am local time; Network data show connectivity falling down to 71% of ordinary levels
US @CISAgov seeing a "deepening & a broadening" of cyber risk, per CISA Executive Assistant Director Eric Goldstein Generative #ArtificialIntelligence "democratizing" capabilities of more cyber threat actors while boosting ability of major cyber adversaries, he warns
Biggest cyber adversaries per @CIA's Cohen, China is 1, followed by Russia. Iran & North Korea "tied for 4th"
1 année il y a
En 2020, l'Ukraine a connu 880 cyberattaques. Jusqu'à présent cette année, Kyiv a connu quelque 3 000 cyberattaques, a déclaré Illia Vitiuk, responsable de la cybersécurité du Service de sécurité ukrainien [SBU], au #BllingtonCyberSecurity Summit. Ce sont des gens qui ont reçu l'ordre de leurs militaires de détruire l'Ukraine