8 Сентябрь 2024
4 месяц назад
TikTok CEO: We will fight against the American ban in the courts
4 месяц назад
US Senate approves bill banning TikTok unless Chinese owner ByteDance sells platform
4 месяц назад
US Department of State: Iran’s cyber actors threaten the security of the United States and our partners. Today, @USTreasury sanctioned two entities and four individuals involved in malicious cyber activity for or on behalf of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps's Cyber Electronic Command
4 месяц назад
The Chinese Ministry of Defense announces the formation of a new cyber military force
4 месяц назад
On Artificial Intelligence-"We're seeing a variety of bad actors using AI to make themselves significantly more effective" per @FBI's Wray in Q&A. Says that includes China
4 месяц назад
The United States is taking action today against Hamas cyber and UAV operatives. We will continue to target Hamas's destabilizing attempts to launch terrorist attacks, and disrupt its militants wherever they operate, including across cyberspace
5 месяц назад
AFP: South Korea will invest $7 billion in artificial intelligence by 2027
Confirmed: Metrics show a moderate disruption to internet connectivity in Iran affecting multiple networks from early this morning; analysis of the incident is ongoing5 месяц назад
Confirmed: Metrics show a moderate disruption to internet connectivity in Iran affecting multiple networks from early this morning; analysis of the incident is ongoing
5 месяц назад
Reports of widespread disruption and interruption of the Internet in Iran
5 месяц назад
Incident has been confirmed by the US Coast Guard:“Coast Guard Vessel Traffic Service New York received a report from the M/V Qingdao around 8:30pm, Saturday, that the vessel had experienced a loss of propulsion in the Kill Van Kull waterway,” a Coast Guard spokesperson told The NY Post in a statement Sunday
A NY tugboat captain has reported to @gCaptain “container ship APL QINGDAO lost power while transiting New York harbor. They had 3 escort tugs but 3 more were needed to bring her under control. They regained power & were brought to anchor near the verrazano bridge”5 месяц назад
A NY tugboat captain has reported to @gCaptain “container ship APL QINGDAO lost power while transiting New York harbor. They had 3 escort tugs but 3 more were needed to bring her under control. They regained power & were brought to anchor near the verrazano bridge”
5 месяц назад
Israel's Ministry of Justice has reportedly been targeted by a cyber attack
5 месяц назад
Financial organizations in APAC & MENA are under attack.A sophisticated threat dubbed JSOutProx combines JavaScript & .NET to infiltrate systems, targeting banks & big companies
5 месяц назад
Reports of a disruption to the WhatsApp service in several regions around the world
Социальная сеть ВКонтакте не работает5 месяц назад
Социальная сеть ВКонтакте не работает
5 месяц назад
WSJ, according to sources: American technology giants are turning to Mexico to manufacture artificial intelligence equipment and rejecting China
5 месяц назад
Госдепартамент США: Соединенные Штаты по-прежнему привержены сдерживанию и пресечению последовательных попыток Кремля подорвать демократию. Сегодня @USTreasury вводит санкции против юридических и физических лиц, связанных с проводимой Кремлем дезинформационной кампанией в Европе.
5 месяц назад
Роскомнадзор ограничил доступ к сайту интернет-издания Sota
5 месяц назад
Россия предупреждает США: использование SpaceX для шпионажа в космосе сделает ее спутники мишенью для нас
5 месяц назад
The US Ambassador to Beijing: China's position on banning TikTok is ridiculous
Live network data show today's telecoms disruption in Africa has intensified; the incident has high impact to West Africa with significant reductions in connectivity evident across the continent; operators report multiple subsea cable failures5 месяц назад
Live network data show today's telecoms disruption in Africa has intensified; the incident has high impact to West Africa with significant reductions in connectivity evident across the continent; operators report multiple subsea cable failures
5 месяц назад
352-65-1: The House overwhelmingly passes a bill to effectively ban TikTok in the U.S. unless its China-based parent company, ByteDance, sells the social media platform. Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) voted "present." The bill faces an uncertain path in the Senate
5 месяц назад
Разведка США: Мы не исключаем, что Китай намеренно будет использовать TikTok, чтобы повлиять на выборы в США
5 месяц назад
Ряд электронных сервисов правительства Белгородской области подвергся атаке, распространяется фейковое экстренное оповещение якобы от губернатора, сообщили власти региона
6 месяц назад
Iran's Intelligence Ministry says it has "dismantled the largest financial crime network and its associated online gambling enterprises linked to the United Kingdom."
6 месяц назад
Russian state-backed hackers gained access to Microsoft's core software systems, company says in update to intrusion first disclosed in January
6 месяц назад
Продажи алкоголя в торговых сетях Москвы приостановлены из-за сбоя системы Росалкоголя и табачного контроля
6 месяц назад
Украинская военная разведка заявила о DDoS-атаке на сайт Минобороны России
6 месяц назад
A regulation banning advertisements and other methods of promoting VPN services came into effect in Russia today
6 месяц назад
После масштабного сбоя в Telegram в России без VPN заработали заблокированные в России соцсети Instagram и X (Twitter) — Shot