Los militares del ejército ruso recibirán una aplicación especial para tabletas con mapas interactivos y otras funciones. Permitirá a los soldados no sólo ver la ubicación de sus fuerzas o de las fuerzas enemigas, sino también trazar las coordenadas de los objetivos, así como solicitar apoyo de artillería o aéreo en tiempo real. La aplicación también permite al personal militar comunicarse directamente entre sí en chats especiales. Se llamó Complejo de Sensibilización (KPO-A), - Izvestia.
Más de 270 canales ucranianos de Telegram fueron pirateados y se publicó un llamado a la rendición a través del bot FleepBot
7 mes atrásThe President and CEO of CrowdStrike says: “ CrowdStrike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts. Mac and Linux hosts are not impacted. This is not a security incident or cyberattack.”
Due to a major power outage at Microsoft Office, there are currently 14,000 delays and over 900 cancellations at airports across the United States
Russian air transport, airlines and airports, as of 11:30 Moscow time, are operating normally against the backdrop of IT failures around the world, flights are being carried out as scheduled, the Federal Air Transport Agency reported.
Emirates Communications Authority: A technical defect in CrowdStrike software may affect the work of the institutions that use it
Switzerland announces that its airspace movement is affected by global technical faults
AFP: All Spanish airports suffer from a global information failure
The Central Bank of Israel says its systems were affected by global technical failures
Global cyber outage. Cybersecurity platform CrowdStrike is down worldwide, causing global IT problems, Microsoft crashes, 911 outages across several US states, and disruptions in international airlines, banks and media outlets
7 mes atrásSky News is completely off the air amid global IT problems
Berlin Airport announces the suspension of all flights until 8:00 GMT due to technical malfunctions
Berlin Airport suspending all flights due to IT problems
CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm that services numerous industries, was down across parts of the world on Friday morning, halting news broadcasts and grounding flights
International airlines grounded flights amid the worldwide technical issues with a Microsoft software
The American Aviation Authority requires all flights to land due to a technical computer glitch
The program TV N1 has been broadcast since this morning with major technical problems caused by an antivirus program that affects the operation of computers on a global level
Crowdstrike tech support: aware of reports of crashes on Windows related to the Crowdstrike falcon sensor
Hay un fallo en el trabajo del servicio postal de Nova Poshta debido a problemas de software. Sense Bank informó dificultades técnicas. Además, hubo un fallo con el operador de telefonía móvil Vodafone, es imposible realizar llamadas.
La inteligencia militar ucraniana reivindicó ataques cibernéticos contra un centenar de recursos web rusos
Problems with mobile communications and the Internet are observed in the regions of the Far East among MTS and Beeline users
Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Labs to wind down US operations
La plataforma de redes sociales X de Elon Musk infringe las leyes digitales de la UE debido a su difusión de desinformación y fallas de transparencia, anuncia la Comisión Europea en un hallazgo preliminar
FBI: afiliados de la organización de medios rusa RT, patrocinada por el estado, utilizaron software encubierto mejorado con inteligencia artificial para crear personajes ficticios en línea para publicar contenido en @X
8 mes atrásFalcon 9 launches 20 @Starlink satellites to orbit from Florida, including 13 with Direct to Cell capabilities. These satellites act as cellphone towers in space, eliminating deadzones without phone modifications or special apps
El consejo de seguridad ruso recomienda limitar el uso de productos de inteligencia artificial extranjeros en el país
8 mes atrásParliament of Poland voted to strip immunity of official involved in purchasing Pegasus. Charges include diverting funds intended for *victims of crime, crime prevention & rehab* to pay for the mercenary spyware
8 mes atrásDue to a glitch, the Alfa Bank mobile application stopped working. According to users, due to a glitch, it is impossible to log into the bank's mobile application
Las autoridades ocupacionales de Crimea informan sobre ataques DDoS contra proveedores de servicios de Internet locales
8 mes atrásLive network data show a major disruption to internet connectivity in Kenya; the incident comes amidst a deadly crackdown by police on #RejectFinanceBill2024 protesters a day after authorities claimed there would be no internet shutdown